Vilicom kroz Hrvatsku je food blog. Da, još jedan blog.
Po čemu je drugačiji? Zapravo, pojma nemam. Ne pratim blogove.
Volim hranu, volim gastronomiju, volim istraživati no isto ne radim dovoljno. Ovo je način da ja naučim više o pripremi raznih jela i možda, samo možda, nekad nekoga inspiriram na isto.
Forking Croatia is a food
blog. Yes, another blog.
What makes it different? Actually, I
don’t have a clue as I don’t follow any blogs.
I love food, I
love gastronomy, I love researching it, yet I don’t do enough
cooking. This is a way for me to learn more about preparing different
dishes and maybe, just maybe, inspire someone else to do the same.
Koji je uopće cilj? Eto, slučajno sam nabasala na popis jela hrvatske autohtone kuhinje iz 2011. Je li potpun, nisam sigurna, nadam se da će na ovom putu doći još mnoga jela iz svih krajeva Lijepe naše koja su radile bake, prabake i koja jedemo kad poželimo da vrijeme stane. Cilj je skuhati što je više moguće jela sa tog popisa, istražiti recepte, i podijeliti s vama jedno veselo iskustvo druženja oko stola.
Hrvatska kuhinja ima mnoštvo divnih jela koja ne smiju pasti u zaborav. Želim ih otkrivati i nadam se da ćete mi pomoći u tome. Imate recept koji su radile vaše bake i msilite da je trebao biti na ovom popisu? Šaljite, bit ću vam zahvalna i odraditi to najbolje što mogu. Nemam neko posebno iskustvo u kuhinji ali ono što imam je silna volja da naučim što više kroz ovo iskustvo. Uz vašu pomoć.
What is my goal, then?
Well, I happened to come across a list of native dishes of Croatian
cuisine from 2011. I’m not sure whether it’s complete, but I do
hope to come across more dishes from all parts of our country –
ones that were prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers –
ones that we eat when we wish time would stand still. The goal is to
prepare as many of these foods as possible, research the recipes and
share with you a fun experience from around the kitchen table.
Croatian cuisine is comprised of so many wonderful dishes that shouldn’t be forgotten. I want to rediscover them and I hope you will help. Do you have a traditional recipe you think should be on the list? Please share it with me, and I will be more than happy to try and recreate it the best I can. I don’t have a huge amount of culinary experience, but I do have a genuine wish to learn as much as I can through this experience – hopefully with your help.
Dok krećemo u ovu pustolovinu i planiramo kako ćemo i otkud krenuti, ogladnili smo.
Što smo prigrizli? Iz Varaždina nam je stigla pošiljka prefinih kobasa Mesnica i zalogajnice Šanjek. Što je posebno kod tih kobasica? Proizvedene su od konjskog i ždrebećeg mesa. I prefine su. Nedavno sam ih tek imala prilike prvi put probati i sav moj otpor prema konjetini pao je u vodu. Fino je. Ukoliko imate priliku, svakako probajte. Sir sa začinskim biljem je stigao iz Križevaca a namaz od bučinih koštica OPG Dobošić iz Žabnice je zaokružio cijelu priču.
Rado bih rekla sa smo kruh ispekli na brzinu no nismo. Glad je bila prejaka, kruh je iz dućana.
What did I have? I received a package of delicious sausages from Varaždin’s Šanjek butcher shop and deli. What’s special about them? They’re made from horse meat. And they are amazing. All my resistance towards trying horse meant recently caved when I had these for the first time. It’s really very delicious and you should try it if you get a chance. A cheese with herbs arrived from Križevci, and a pumpkin seed spread from OPG Dobošić in Žabnica rounded off the meal.
I’d love to tell you that I made the bread as well. Yet, the hunger was real, so the bread was from the shop.
Prijevod/translation: Anna Kosir
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