petak, 4. rujna 2015.

Viška/ komiška pogača

Na red je došla i viška pogača, recept s našeg popisa. No, odmah problemi. Viška pogača i komiška pogača. Koja je prava? Koja je razlika između viške i komiške pogače? Naime, navodno viška pogača u sebi ne sadrži rajčicu dok komiška rajčicu ima. No, zbunjujući su i recepti koje smo pronašli isto tako i očito samo otočani znaju koja je ona prava. Mi ćemo se držati ove podjele pa ajmo reći da smo zapravo radili onu komišku jer tko bi odolio prekrasnoj rajčici iz vrta, morali smo je iskoristiti.
Navodno postoji i polemika oko oblika. Radi li se u okrugloj ili pravokutnoj tepsiji. Mi smo radili u okrugloj.

It's turn for pogača(cake/pie) from Vis, recipe from our list. But, right away, problems arise. Pogača from Vis and pogača from Komiža. Which one is real? What is the difference between them? Supposedly, the one from Vis is without tomatoes, while the other one is with tomatoes. But recipes we have found are confused as well, and obviously, only the islanders know which one is the real one. We will respect this differentiation, so we actually made pogača from Komiža because who would resist beautiful tomatoes from the garden, we had to use them.
Supposedly, there are also arguments about its shape. Whether it is round or square. We made a round one.

Nismo ni krenuli pripremati se za višku avanturu a već nas je dočekao friški sataraš i pogačice od tikvica koje je teta Vlasta pripremila da slučajno ne bi ogladnili čekajući našu viško- komišku pogaču.

Recept (opet, ja sam radila sve u pola)

1 kg brašna
1 svježi kvasac
2 žličice soli
1 žlica začina (ružmarin, bosiljak, majčina dušica)
2 žlice maslinova ulja

50 dkg luka
50 dkg rajčice
25 dkg fileta slane ribe
10 dkg kapara
10 dkg maslina bez koštica
2 dl maslinovog ulja

We haven't even prepared for our Vis adventure when we were met with fresh sataraš and zucchini cakes made by Vlasta so we wouldn't get hungry while waiting for our pogača from Vis/ Komiža.
Ingredients (again I did half of it):

1 kilo of flour
1 fresh yeast
2 teaspoons of salt
1 tablespoon of spices (rosemary, basil, thyme...)
2 tablespoons  of olive oil

500 g of onion
500 g of tomatoes
250 g salt fish fillets
100 g of capers
100 g of pitted olives
200 ml of olive oil

Opet tijesto, opet mijesiti. Znači, od navedenih sastojaka zamijesiti tijesto. Moram priznati da se lijepo mijesilo ovaj put. Što se začina tiče, u mužaru sam smrvila svježi bosiljak i ružmarin i suhu majčinu dušicu. Ne moram ni govoriti da je cijelo kuća zamirisala isti tren.

Again dough, again kneading. So, from ingredients listed you knead the dough. I have to admit it kneaded smoothly this time. As for the spices, I put rosemary, fresh basil and dry thyme into pestle and mortar and crushed them. I don't even have to tell you that entire house smelled beautiful instantly.

Svježi kvasac sam smrvila u malo vode i pustila da počne raditi i nakon toga u prosijano brašno sa ostalim sastojcima.
Kad sam zamijesila tijesto, napravila sam dvije kugle, jednu veću drugu manju. Veća nam je za u tepsiju a manja za pokriti istu.
Ostavila sam kugle da se dignu dok sam se bacila na pravljenje nadjeva.

I crumbled fresh yeast into a bit of water and left it to work a bit, after that added sifted flour and the rest of ingredients. When I knead the dough I formed it into two balls, one bigger and one smaller. The bigger one is for the bottom of the pan, while the smaller one is for the cover.
I've left them to rise while I prepared the filling.

Postoji varijanta gdje se povrće (luk i rajčica) naslaže narezano na tijesto no ja sam odlučila napraviti umak prvo. Što znači da sam na maslinovom ulju prodistala luk narezan na kolutove i dodala rajčicu. Rajčicu sam prvo ogulila i narezala na kockice. Savjet iz prošlog posta vrijedi i dalje, na par minuta uroniti rajčicu u vrelu vodu, guli se k'o od šale. Dodala malo soli, papra i naravno, bosiljka i prokuhala dvadesetak minuta.
Nadjev sam pustila da se ohladi. Navodno je to bitna stavka jer ne smije vruće ići na tijesto.

There is a variation where the vegetables (onion and tomato) are cut and fanned on the dough but I decided to make gravy first. Which means I sautéed onions on olive oil and added tomatoes.
I peeled and diced the tomato first. The advice from the previous post still holds, peeling tomatoes is easier if you put it under hot water for a minute, after which you can peel it like a joke. Added a bit of salt, pepper and, of course, basil, and cooked it for 20 minutes.
I left the filling to cool. That's really important, you can't put the hot filling on dough.

Taman kad se nadjev prohladio, naše kugle tijesta su se pretvorile u puno veće kugle tijesta.
Razvaljala sam prvo veću. Moram priznati da je puno lakše razvaljati tijesto na pravokutnik tako da sam se s okruglim oblikom malo pomučila.
Nauljila sam tepsiju, malo je pobrašnila i stavila razvaljano tijesto unutra. Rubove sam pustila da vise preko, svejedno će ih trebati preklopiti.

I left the filling to cool. That's really important, you can't put the hot filling on dough.
Right as it cooled, our dough balls turned into bigger dough balls.
I rolled out the bigger one first. I have to admit, it's a lot easier to roll out dough in rectangular shape than round so it was a bit of trouble.
I oiled the baking tin, dusted it with some flour and transferred the dough inside. I left the edges hang over the tin, they're going to be folded in anyway.

Vrijeme za nadjevanje. Ovom dijelu sam se najviše veselila jer je lijepo. Eto, samo zato. Boje su predivne.

Time for filling. I looked forward to this part most of all because it's pretty. That's the only reason. Colours are beautiful.

Znači, nadjev na tijesto. Što više komada povrća, što manje umaka. I na to, slana riba.
Odabrala sam za ovo inćune. Nikad ih nisam jela. Nisu mi baš privlačne te sitne ribice, moram priznati. No, probala sam pojesti jednog inćunića i bilo je jako fino.
Inćune sam posložila na umak. Prekrasno je.

So you pour the filling onto dough. The more vegetables you have, the less gravy you need. And on top of that, salty fish.
I chose anchovies for this. Never ate them before. I'm not drawn to tiny fishes, I have to admit. But I tried eating one anchovy and it was very delicious.
I placed anchovies on top of the gravy. It's beautiful.

Uzela sam crne masline za ovu priliku samo i isključivo zbog boje. Narezala ih na kolutiće i posula na našu pogaču. Na kraju, zeleni mali kapari.
Toliko je bilo lijepo da nam je bilo žao pokriti pogaču još jednim slojem tijesta. Ali što se mora, mora se.

I bought black olives exclusively because of their colour for this. Cut them into rings and sprinkled on top of our pogača. And for the end, little green capers.
It was so pretty we felt sorry we had to cover it up with another layer of dough. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Razvaljala sam i drugi manji komad tijesta i preklopila nadjev. Zavrnula rubove. Na jednom dijelu sam se malo preračunala pa je ostalo manje tijesta za preklopiti. Drugi put pametnije.

Gornje tijesto se treba probušiti, ja sam ga ispikala vilicom bez milosti. Vilicom kroz pogaču. Pazite da ne probušite i donji dio tijesta, to ne želimo.

I rolled out smaller dough and covered the filling. Twisted the edges together. I miscalculated the dough on one side so it was a little thin. There's always the next time...

The cover dough needs to be pierced, I took a fork to it with no mercy. Forking pogača. Careful not to prick the lower dough, we don't want that.

Namazati s još maslinovog ulja i u pećnicu na 180°C 45 minuta.

I to je to, naša viška/ komiška pogača okruglog oblika je gotova.

Brushed it with a bit of olive oil and put it in the oven on 180°C for 45 minutes.
That's it. Our round shaped pogača from Vis/ Komiža was done.

Iskustvo više. I što bih nadodala. Malo mi je ispalo gornje tijesto tvrduckavo. Zalila sam ga sa još maslinovog ulja kad je izašlo iz pećnice, i nakon toga je bilo savršeno. Možda bih dodala nešto više ulja u samo tijesto slijedeći put, za svaki slučaj.

Nadam se da nećemo navući bijes otočana ako smo nešto krivo napravili. Dali smo sve od sebe, i da, svakako probajte kod kuće. Osobno, podsjeća me na pizzu okusom. A svi vole pizzu.
Iako je ovo svrstano u topla predjela, mislim da ovo jelo može biti, uz čašu dobrog vina, savršen obrok.

One more experience. What else to say. The upper dough turned out a bit too hard so I've put more olive oil in it when it was out of the oven and then it was perfect. Maybe I should put a bit more oil in the dough itself next time, just in case.
I hope the islanders won't be mad at us if we did something wrong. We did our best and make sure you try it at home. Personally, for me it tastes a bit like pizza. And everyone loves pizza. Even though this is considered warm appetizer, I think this can, with a glass of good wine, be a perfect meal.

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